Business Continuity Management (BCM)

Enterprise-wide contingency planning that analyses time-critical business processes, provides mitigation for risks and produces detailed, pre-approved recovery plans.

It’s an on-going program to ensure prudent reduction of risks and, following a major disruption, to resume key business operations before unacceptable impacts and losses are incurred.

Effective BCM analyses potential problems, pre-determines and approves courses of action and pre-positions resources to respond to events that could jeopardize an organization’s ability to conduct business.

BCM provides:

  • Process Mapping
  • Risk Assessment
  • Recovery Strategies
  • Business Impact Assessment
  • Identification of time-critical business processes
  • Identification of “single points of failure” as well as “unique enablers of success”.

As a corollary benefit, BCM’s inherent process mapping facilitates business process review and redesign.

Why Invest in Business Continuity Management?

Major business disruptions cost money, erode stake-holder confidence and jeopardize the very survival of organizations. As well, regulatory requirements in almost every jurisdiction require the executives of an organization to take reasonable precautions against events that could put the organization at risk. Business Continuity Management is considered to be the standard means to demonstrate the application of “due diligence”.

Elements of BCM

  • Business continuity planning
  • Disaster recovery planning
  • Business impact analysis
  • Incident & crisis management