Resilience vs. Recovery

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

BCM goes beyond recovery and ensures resilience so that an organization can withstand events without disastrous results.

Two misconceptions about resilience:

1. Resilience (just like insurance) has an additional cost - FALSE.

BCM that is fully integrated into the business as part of the change management process will ensure that systems and processes are designed to survive disruptive events. Costly redundancies are not the only option when you plan for resilience in the design phase. And remember, you don’t need to pay to recover what was designed to withstand.

2. Nothing disruptive will ever happen - FALSE.

Bad things happen all the time. It’s not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter “when” and “how bad”. Think of how much time and effort is spent fire-fighting in your organization. An issue can escalate into an incident in the blink of an eye.