About risk appetite

Every organization should understand its risk appetite. The risk appetite guides decision makers when they make cost-benefit decisions on behalf of the organization.

Most organizations have no documented expressions of their risk appetite. This forces managers to make decisions; often in isolation. That puts them and the organization at additional risk.

ContingenSee will help your organization predetermine its risk appetite and assign decision-making authority. You will be able to provide the proper guidance to all levels of management so that decision making authority is applied appropriately throughout the organization.

Risk Management

There are only four things you can do with any risk:

  • Accept risk - “We can live with that.”
  • Mitigate risk - “It won’t be as severe if we take some precautions.”
  • Eliminate risk - “It won’t happen if we do this.”
  • Transfer risk - “Let’s buy some insurance.”

Before you select one or more treatment options you have to understand the risk.

ContingenSee’s risk management professionals are trained, certified and experienced in several methodologies of risk assessment, Harmonized Threat Risk Assessment (RCMP methodology), vulnerability assessment, and privacy impact assessment.

Let ContingenSee help you determine which methodology is most appropriate for your organization’s unique environment.